
a marvelous method of reclusion

studio album

concept development




a marvelous method of reclusion


studio album

released june 1, 2016

© 2016 pellek


music by pellek

words by george andrade


an immersive, conceptual dramatization of the manic depression cycle, the album is an emotionally authentic, fictionalized portrayal based upon our own personal experiences and told in three separate voices - our “inner narrator”, our “inner voice”, and our “dark inner voice”

the album is dedicated to those who have ever been chronically lonely or depressed

below the lyrics you’ll find scripts to the inner narrator, the inner voice (lyrics in italics), and the dark inner voice (lyrics in bold italics)


pellek band - (left to right) patrick fallang, pellek, stian warlow braathen, ingemar bru



track list


" ...explores a number of different aspects of loneliness, coming to some powerful and important revelations towards the end of the album."




the path of reclusion


excerpt from pellek’s journal:



time stands still




you embrace the solitude…

walk the marvelous path of reclusion





an insect-

a guest at an event

a small dark room-

a peaceful, tranquil planet

preparing for eternity…

jumped off the carousel


pretending civilized

sad circus


is deep

you're still

you surrender your soul to a ghost

the shadows come to call

secret thoughts become conversation

from in the corner of a box…

I chose to think outside of

I forged four fragile bows

and made a circle

layers of dust fall

warm my weary heart

in the marvelous method of reclusion

preparing for eternity…

jumped off the carousel


pretending civilized

sad circus

I've found myself

but I don't know what to make out of this situation-

am I really awake?

I wonder if time goes by too fast

for those who've loved me in the past?

hurting are my hands

and hurtful are the words that I am writing!

layers and layers of dust

coat my heart

broken is the door

and broken is the man

who screamed and tore it down!


are the attempts to change me


are my whispers in the dark


is the man behind the window


still the man behind the mask


are these old brick walls that I’ve laid


are these cold brick walls I have painted


is my ambitious, tainted art


is my bleeding, misplaced heart


takes hold

while you sleep

for everlasting



succumbing to the solitude…

believe the marvelous method of reclusion




downstream time suspends-

I drift

paralysis sneaks up-

sedates me

upstream time flows-

without me

goes unmissed

I’m heading for eternity…

jumped from the carousel


pretending civilized






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from the depths



I’ve walked the night


thoughts keep turning

far worse to be




my feelings burning

how must I contend with this?

a nom-de-plume?


I soar ever higher

from shadows

the depths 

I have become

“Why can't you still see me?”

“Why can’t you see past the man I’ve become?”


I’ve done what’s right


days unrewarding

far worse to be




my hidden plans gnawing

how must I contend with this?

a nom-de-plume?

“Yes, yes, my behavior!”

you’ve worried

and watched me succumb

“Why can’t you still see me?!”

“Why can’t you see past the man I’ve become?!”

I know

(it’s getting late)

I know!

(time has run aground)

I’m tired

(saving face)

and I know

(once for all)

this journey’s just begun

I soar ever higher

from shadows

the depths

I have become

“Why can’t you still see me?”

“Why can’t you see past the man that’s…?”

(far away gone)


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“PelleK and Andrade have managed to create quite a piece of art. It is quite triumphant in what it tries to achieve…”




i know you don’t know


good day

good play

“Okay, if you say so-”

good news

good weather

“So you say, okay.”

quite spectacular and strange

this world

that unfolds

in front of me

I live in the husk of this man

I know you don’t know

I’ll dream the day away



in a world all my own

reclusive method



the weight

of my darkened soul

“Oh no, my morose musings!”

(not again)

oh no, please whisper reason to me

good job

good deal

“Okay, if you say so-”

good plan

good reason

“So you say, okay.”

quite spectacular and strange

this world

that unfolds

inside of me

I live in the husk of this man

I know you don’t know

I’ll dream the day away



in a world all my own

reclusive method



the weight

of my darkened soul

“Oh, not again!”

(not again)

not again

(here again)


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in windows


I should go

outside this window

(i don’t know)

these days

I don’t know


I don’t remember

(don’t seem to care)


waiting for the rain

our eyes betray the pain

in windows

we wait for rain

we should go

outside our windows

(we don’t know)

most days

we don’t know


we don’t remember


waiting for the rain

we cannot hide the pain

in windows

we wait for rain


shadowed by the rain

we live behind the pain

in windows

we watch

and we wait

(we don’t go)

we step back




waiting for the rain

reveal all that remains

in windows

we wait for rain


shadowed by the rain

reflect our self-disdain

in windows


(we hind behind)

our windows

(we wait in)




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“ …an excellent example of how to take a delicate topic and turn it into a compelling, conceptual-based album that entertains and enlightens on an equal footing.”




the space between


i’m found here

(between the lines)

living in parenthesis


here i am

let me qualify

(the need to falsify)

(how you see me)

who i choose to be

here i stand

need to amplify

(the deeds that glorify)

(how you see me)

who i want to be

the space between

the space between

the space between

the space between

here i hide

let me rectify

(in ways that gentrify)

(how you see me)

who i seem to be

here i go

interrupt the flow

(to keep me in the know)

(how you see me)

who i’ll never be

(space unseen)

(space unseen)

i’m an afterthought

(my interpretive life)

the space between

the space between

the space between

the space between



the space between


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i don’t know

this dark voice



i don’t know

this unseen voice




slow poison

withering me



(i can’t take no more)

i’m in fear of

what it


i'm in fear of

what it


(oh, not again)

(I’m here again)

time run aground

the ghosts of lost faces

beset me

(leave her)

(leave him)

(leave them)

(take it)

(drink it)

(do it)

(cut it)

(hide it)

(do it)

(do it)

(do it)

(do it)

(DO it)

(do IT)



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all that i am


far worse to be seen


deep sadness permeates me

(consumes me)

oh, why

i succumbed to the ways

(the dark weather days)

that emptied me

(carried me away)

who i thought i am

the path i chose to go

is lost in this fog

closing in

(with a man i don’t know)

all that i am

all that i know

all the things

that matter most

(to me)

every little hope

every little wish

imprisoned inside

here with me

(and the man i don’t know)

far worse to be dreamed


deep paralysis sedates me

(entombs me)

oh, why

i heeded the voice

(grew numb to the choice)

that deadened me

(buried me away)

who i really am

the path i need to go

is lost in this fog

closing in

(with a man i don’t know)

all that i am

all that i know

all the things

that matter most

(to me)

every little hope

every little wish

crying out from inside

here with me

(and the man i don’t know)

oh, i know

i won’t ever know

(can’t ever)

not when i’m this way

(every single day)

my heart absorbs the pain

oh, i know

i can’t live this way

(reclusive here)


day to day

(i am all i am)

all that i know

i must go


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the master of reclusion


sheet found tucked away in PelleK’s journal:

He creeps through the dark cells of my soul. I hear my chains keyed, collapse and clatter and I am pulled, swept up from the floor on ties that bind me – I am a puppet!

I am hoisted and hung out, dangled in a cold spotlight. No cheering, no applause. I cry out, numb, but no one can hear; I’m all alone and suspended in secret.

He shows me, in the distance, a city I know that’s all aglow yet hollow. I’m thrust out, swung, drawn through the streets - a silent, sad show performing for no one.

He is the one! He is the man who’s been pulling the strings all this time. Who can he be? I’m the puppet and he is the master of it all!

He tied them all. He strung them all. He pulled them. He pulled them tightly. He pulled them unseen. He pulled them always.


It’s him!

It’s been him!

Only him!

Emerging from reclusive corners come all the lies that have been my life, forming shadow faced people reaching for me, arms out trailing their strings – they are all puppets!

Then his face in their eyes appears in the cold spotlight, distorted and drowning. Oh no, please whisper reason to me! It’s my face there reflected and staring!

I am the one! I am the man who’s been pulling the strings all this time. How can this be? I’m the puppet and I am the master of it all!

I tied them all. I strung them all. I pulled them. I pulled them tightly. I pulled them unseen. I pulled them always.


(It’s me)

(It’s been me)

Only me.


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“Indeed, I did not expect an album with such subjects to actually give me immense pleasure and joy.”




a reason unseen - da capo


sheet found tucked away in PelleK’s journal:

a reason unseen in a dream waiting to be dreamed

cries out from the withered husk of this man,

unremembered and buried on a shoal of memory:

a little boy lost in a distant tide of time run aground

clutches his covers and prays in the night,

sings a soft song for his mother and an imagined friend.

a self-imposed view through the space between the bars

of who we are and who we think we are

reveals all that remains to be seen in the windows to his soul;

and now separated still, incapable of fight or flight,

he chooses to detach, disengage and

disappear once again in his marvelous method of reclusion.


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the inner narrator


I've found myself but I don't know what to make out of this situation?

I wonder if time goes by too fast for those who've loved me in the past?

hurting are my hands and hurtful are the words that I am writing!

broken is the door and broken is the man who screamed and tore it down!

I soar ever higher from shadows!

the depths I have become!

yes, yes, my behavior!

you’ve worried and watched me succumb!

I know

I know!

I’m tired … and I know this journey’s just begun

I soar ever higher from shadows!

The depths I have become!

quite spectacular and strange this world that unfolds in front of me

I live in the husk of this man

I know you don’t know

I’ll dream the day away disengaged in a world all my own.

reclusive method refined the weight of my darkened soul.

oh no, my morose musings!

oh no, please whisper reason to me!

quite spectacular and strange my world that unfolds inside of me

I live in the husk of this man

I know you don’t know

I’ll dream the day away disengaged in a world all my own

reclusive method refined the weight of my darkened soul

oh, not again!

not again!

I should go outside this window these days

these days I don’t know

I don’t remember

windows waiting for the rain, our eyes betray the pain

our eyes betray the pain in windows

in windows, we wait for rain.

we should go outside our windows most days

most days we don’t know

we don’t remember

windows waiting for the rain, we cannot hide the pain.

we cannot hide the pain in windows

in windows, we wait for rain.

windows shadowed by the rain, we live behind the pain

we live behind the pain in windows

we watch and we wait

we step back


windows waiting for the rain reveal all that remains

reveal all that remains in windows

in windows, we wait for rain

windows shadowed by the rain reflect our self-disdain.

reflect our self-disdain in windows

windows, our windows


i’m found here living in parenthesis

here i am

let me qualify who i choose to be

here i stand

need to amplify who i want to be

the space between

here i hide

let me rectify who i seem to be

here i go

interrupt the flow who i’ll never be

my interpretive life the space between

i don’t know this dark voice between

i don’t know this unseen voice in

slow poison withering me from in

i’m in fear of what it-

i'm in fear of what it…

far worse to be seen…

deep sadness permeates me

oh why i succumbed to the ways that emptied me?

who i thought i am - the path i chose to go - is lost in this fog closing in

all that i am - all that i know - all the things that matter most to me…

every little hope - every little wish - is imprisoned inside here with me!

far worse to be dreamed…

deep paralysis sedates me

oh why i heeded the voice that deadened me?

who i really am - the path i need to go - is lost in this fog closing in

all that i am - all that i know - all the things that matter most to me… every little hope - every little wish - crying out from inside here with me!

oh i know i won’t ever know- not when i’m this way

my heart absorbs the pain…

oh i know i can’t live this way- surrendered day to day

all that i know…

i must go…

it’s been me


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the inner voice


am i really awake?

layers and layers of dust coat my heart


genesis dreamed

it’s getting late

time has run aground

saving face…

detached, hiding

not again…

detached, hiding

not again

i don’t know always…

we don’t know always

we don’t go

we hide behind

we wait in

between the lines…

how you see me

how you see me…

how you see me

i’m an afterthought…



i can’t take no more…

oh not again!

time run aground and the ghosts of lost faces beset me


consumes me…

the dark weather days

carried me away with a man i don’t know…

to me and the man i don't know


entombs me…

grew numb to the choice

buried me away with a man i don’t know…

to me and the man i don't know

can’t ever…

every single day reclusive here

i am all i am

it’s me


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the dark inner voice


once for all far away gone

here again-

don’t seem to care

inward windows unseen

need to

falsify deeds that glorify

ways that gentrify

keep me in the know

space unseen

unseen me…





i’m here again!

leave her!

leave him!

leave them!

take it!

drink it!

do it!

cut it!

hide it!

do it!

do it!

do it!

do IT!

DO it!


it’s been me


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ornamental line.png